
Minoru Park
Vision Plan

Richmond, BC // City of Richmond

Minoru Park has a history that dates back prior to the incorporation of Richmond as a city. Originally a horse racing track in the early 1900’s, the Park was also the site of Canada’s first commercial flight in Western Canada. Having recently undergone several changes and new additions, Minoru Park was in need of an overall vision that aimed to respond to the demands of current and future users, while accommodating extensive growth in the surrounding properties.  LOCI formed a key part of the Design Team to create a Visioning Master Plan that aims to provide a blueprint for the development of the Park over a 25-year timeframe.

01 // Plan + Analysis

Working closely with the City of Richmond and Lanarc Consulting, LOCI was an integral part of the consultant team working to develop a comprehensive long term master plan for one of the largest parks in the City.  An extensive and collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders, city departments, and public consultation, culminated in the Minoru Park Vision Plan and Guiding Principles.    


02 // Visualize + Public Engagement

A huge turnout to the two summer public open houses, along with many on-line questionnaires, were instrumental in helping the Visioning Team prioritize the proposed programming for the long-term master plan.


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