Mateo at Glanford Avenue
Saanich, BC // Mike Geric Construction
Working closely with Shape Architecture and Mike Gerics Construction, we are pleased to be part of the design team for this ambitious multi-use development project in Saanich, Vancouver Island.

01 // Plan
The overall landscape design is based on three core thematics: social interaction, placemaking and ecology. The site is structured as a series of public terraces, all designed to be welcoming and activated, with a unique palette of materials that is inspired by both building form and regional character in a way that resonates strongly with residents and visitors alike. Sustainable principles are also at the forefront - rainwater collection, absorptive landscapes, and using local materials that are naturally durable and abundant on the Saanich Peninsula.
02 // Visualize
We collaborated with Shape to construct a highly detailed 3D model, used a design resolution tool and also to communicate the intended experience to City Staff, the client, and to the surrounding neighbourhoods.

03 // Public Engagement
The Team met with the general public, neighbourhood residents and focus groups to solicit feedback for the proposed development.
04 // Coming Soon
2021 promises to be a busy year for the project, as we move towards Council approvals and design development.