
Just West Townhomes

Vancouver, BC // Sightline Properties

One of the many multi-family residential projects LOCI is currently working on in the Mount Pleasant / Cambie Corridor / Riley Park neighbourhoods, Just West has its own unique architectural style and outdoor programming that will help set the bar for new developments along West King Edward Avenue.

01 // Plan

Working closely with Sightline Properties and Shape Architecture, the landscape concept for the site will focus on creating a human-scale, community ‘feel’ for the outdoor common areas that can be enjoyed by residents of all ages.  Masses of perennials and ornamental grasses will brighten up the street frontages, while a network of rain gardens aim to maximize water retention and re-use on-site.  Landscape materiality and form draw inspiration from the architectural form and character.  


02 // Visualize + Refine

3D modelling and close collaboration with Shape Architecture allowed us to problem-solve and communicate new ideas to the Client quickly and efficiently.  This was especially helpful given the size restrictions for the outdoor amenities compared with the diverse programming and details.


03 // Build


The project is currently under construction and is expected to be complete by Fall 2021.  Check back here or on our social media accounts for updates!


Glanford Avenue


Minoru Park Vision Plan