Cambie Gardens
Parcel A

Vancouver, BC // The Onni Group

Parcel A is the first of (8) development parcels within the 25-acre Cambie Garden Master Plan to receive permitting approvals and has been under construction for since 2019, with occupancy slated for 2022.  Many of the key design thematics for the master plan can be found woven into the landscape design for this multi-use parcel: stormwater retention techniques, visible urban agriculture plots, child play areas, social gathering spaces, and lush plantings and tree canopy to foster a “garden in the city” experience for visitors and residents alike.

Design Focus

Lost in all the mumbo jumbo? No problem. Here’s a breakdown of what this project has added to the space/our design focus in one digestible pie chart.

This Project in Numbers

Proposed Trees
Trees provide shade in hot summer months, thereby reducing heat island effect while enhancing habitat for birds, insects and bees.


Planting Beds/Permeable Landscapes
Plants and soil combined to absorb, uptake and re-use rainwater, reducing the load of run-off into our storm system.


Green Infrastructure
For this project, we've added highly absorbent and pre-grown sedum mats onto various rooftops, turning surfaces that are typically devoid of life into small little garden habitats.


Outdoor Social Amenities
Outdoor dining/social area, a communal long and sun deck, and child play area, and various benches throughout the mews.


Bike Lane/Mixed-Use Paths
We've done our part to incorporate the City's mandated tree-lined sidewalk and bike lane in a city-wide effort to encourage bike use and non-vehicular circulation.


Improved Streetscapes
Lining the streets and sidewalks with new trees, and the addition of street lights, benches, trash receptacles, and adjoining open spaces.


New Public Gathering Spaces
Our design features numerous new outdoor spaces for the community to gather and connect.


Community Gardens
Supporting the community’s local food scene, and plant hobbyists alike, we’ve included dedicated planting beds for community gardening.


01 // Plan + Strategy

LOCI is part of a large consultant team, led by IBI Group as lead Architect, to refine our designs through permitting, detailed design and construction.  We are proud to say the initial design objectives for the open space remain intact as key elements in making this project a unique combination of social housing, market housing, commercial units and accessible public open space.


02 // Concepts + Visualizations


3D modelling has allowed us to work collaboratively with IBI as well as Onni’s marketing team to flesh out design ideas and make improvements as needed.  We believe this service helps everyone visualize our ideas before they are actually installed!


03 // Refine + Working Drawings


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04 // Execution + Build


Well into year 2 of construction, 2021 will see some of the landscape elements come to life and “emerge” from the ground up.


METRICS – Chuck Bailey


METRICS – Corpus Christi School